Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Personal Vision Statement

VisionVision Statement

Christ and His glory is my sole purpose for living.  My soul feels a joy like no other when I realize He has given me the free gift of eternal life.  I desire less of me and more of Him everyday.  In Him, I am strong.  Without Him, I am weak.  He gives me the strength, joy, encouragement and purpose to press on toward this vision.  My confidence in Christ is unwavering and firm.  I am inspiring others toward Christ with my sincere love, patience, encouragement and devotion to Him in all that I do, with all that I am.  I extend the same grace that he give me to everyone around me.  I am quick to forgive as He has forgiven me.  My faith and trust lies in Christ alone so help me God if I should do otherwise.  God alone is my judge as He is the judge of everyone else in this world. He has granted me my wife and life partner to cherish and serve.  He has granted me children to raise and nurture, love, lead and, eventually, give away.  I alone am responsible for leading our family to Christ.  I must die daily to myself, so that Christ can be made great and for the benefit of my family.  In whatever I pursue, may it be of no worth to me as great as Christ.  My life will be about a pursuit of Christ over money, fame and power.  In all of my pursuits, the greatest goal will be for Christ to be glorified, magnified and freely enjoyed.


  1. Wow! That almost sounds like something Jonathan Edwards might pen, without the reference to sports of course.
    What's the context of creating this? Is this personal vision new or something you've had for long time?

  2. There's a place here in Nashville called Famous Dave's. You're famous in Nashville atleast...and your famous with me!
    Thanks for your comment on my blog about the personal vision statement. I wanted to explain how and why I wrote it. Since ICRS, I felt a strong need to get with God and have Him re-adjust my priorities. I've been very unfocused lately and without clear direction for a few months personally. After 3 hours of coming up with nothing in my own strength, I happened upon some John Piper articles on that clarified crystal clear my vision. I'm listening to Christian Audio's version of "Don't Waste Your Life", which has also inspired me. I realized there is only one purpose for me: Christ - magnifying His glory and my soul's joy in Him. So, this vision statement came out of 30 minutes of just pouring out my soul to God and helped me to clarify His vision for my life. I have to admit, it felt good. As you know Piper talks about how Jonathan Edwards highly influenced him in his early years. I'm not surprised that it sounded like JE. The compelling interests part, which I've since deleted because it is confusing, was a way to try to connect my vision with what I'm interested in and how I can connect the two. I haven't figured that out yet. Maybe after I clean out my garage, that will become clearer for me...
    Keep up the awesome work online Dave.
